
Botanical Name:
Cercis canadensis

Family Name:
Fabaceae / pea

The redbud is a large shrub or small tree, with striking pink flower clusters that emerge in the early spring, covering the entire tree. The flowers, buds, and fruit are all edible. This tree grows well in part sun to full shade, in areas with moist but well drained soils.

20 – 30′

Habitat and Range:
The redbud is native to eastern and central North America, and is often found along woodland edges, streambanks, or limestone bluffs.

Following the spring flush of bright pink flowers, the redbud produces dark green, heart shaped leaves, which turn yellowish green in the fall. The dark brown pea shaped seed pods mature in the summer and may remain on the tree throughout the winter.

Wildlife Value:
The abundant pink flowers of the redbud tree attract a wide range of butterflies, as well as long-tongued bees (such as blueberry bees and carpenter bees). Short-tongued bees cannot reach the nectar. The flowers are also popular with hummingbirds.

Did you Know?
• The buds, flowers, and fruit (seed) of the redbud can all be eaten raw, pickled, or cooked.
• Native Americans treated whooping cough with a tea made from boiled redbud bark.

Benefits to Our Community (based on carbon dioxide sequestered, storm water runoff avoided, and air pollution removed each year):
Over the next 15 years, this tree will give back $1,575 worth of benefits to our community.
