Approved Environmental Document
The Coal Line Trail will enhance and allow pedestrian and cyclists to follow the old Notre Dame & Western coal line (now Norfolk Southern) and connect from Western Avenue to the East Bank Trail at Angela Boulevard. The Coal Line Trail project will be developed through three phases and predominately follow the old railroad bed. The different phase limits are:
- Phase I: from Lincolnway West northwesterly to Riverside Drive.
- Phase II: from Riverside Drive across the St. Joseph River to the east to Angela Boulevard and connection to the East Bank Trail.
- Future Phase: from Lincolnway West to the south to Cherry Street and connecting to Western Avenue. (Not included in current scope of work)
The trail will generally follow the old railroad bed with one section of new terrain trail. On the east end of Phase II where the railroad veers north, the trail will cross new terrain to connect via Holy Cross College property to Angela Boulevard. The federally funded Coal Line project is slated to begin in 2020 and continue in 2021.
Previous Public Input Sessions
Public Engagement Meeting
September 22, 2016
A copy of the presentation material used for the first public engagement meeting for the Coal Line Trail may be viewed or downloaded by clicking this link.
Public Engagement Meeting
July 13, 2017
A copy of the presentation material used for the second public engagement meeting may be downloaded by clicking the links below: