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What does My SB Parks &  Trails mean for the city?

This is a chance for us to address the entire parks system. The proposed revitalization plan could have significant impact on the perception of South Bend for community members and visitors alike. Some main desires for a city are its means of amenities, services, connectivity, and security. With this project, we hope to improve upon these components and provide our residents with greater economic growth, sense of place, health & wellness and sustainability.

Which parks will this affect?

The entire South Bend Park system will be touched at some point during this project. For a full list of projects please click here.

How were the parks and projects identified?

Identifying the projects was a multi-year, community-wide effort. The following resources were used to help formulate My SB Parks and Trails: City Plan (adopted in 2006), 2014 Parks Master Plan, Riverfront Parks & Trails, Coal Line Trail, and three community forums held in 2016 and 2017. My SB Parks and Trails incorporates elements found within each of these plans and would not have happened without community insight and feedback. Although the parks themselves have been identified as part of My SB Parks and Trails, the specific projects will be further discussed to determine exact plans. Projects are currently in various stages of development. Some are under construction and others have already been completed. However, most projects are still in the proposal, conceptual and design/engineering stages that will continue to require community input.

How is the City paying for this?

Funding already secured:
• $5 million- Parks Bond 2015
• $1.5 million- River East TIF
• $1.5 million- River West TIF
• $1 million- Notre Dame Partnership
• $2.25 million- Pokagon Partnership
• $5 million- Regional Cities Grant
• $2.8 million- Federal Grant (Rail to Trail)

Over $18.86 M has already been committed to these projects, with more than $12 M of that from outside grants and partners!

To realize the full potential of My SB Parks & Trails, two separate bonds have been requested as part of the 2017 budget process:

Approved River West TIF Bond     $10.60 M         Link to TIF Bond Resolution  
Approved Park Bond                      $13.78 M        Link to Park Bond Resolution

As a broad overview, MY SB Parks & Trails projects will be funded in a manner that is roughly:
1/3  Private & Outside Funding
1/3  TIF – Redevelopment Funds
1/3  Parks Bonding tools

The bond processes will be discussed at the September 25 and October 16 Park Board Meetings as well as the September 28 and October 12 Redevelopment Commission Meetings.  The Common Council is set to hear the bonds on October 23 at 7:00 PM.

To recognize the full potential of this plan, we still need your support! Various naming rights for corporations and individuals are available. If you would like to donate to My SB Parks and Trails, please contact Emily Sims at esims@southbendin.gov.

How can I get involved?

The public is encouraged to provide feedback in the Your Voice section of the website, attend public meetings and forums, and donate.

When will My SB Parks & Trails be implemented?

Some projects included in My SB Parks & Trails have already been completed and some are underway. Most of the projects will be completed by the end of 2020, with all of them completed within five years. Visit individual project pages for progress information.

What is going on with the Leeper Park Duck Pond?

Facts and information about the Leeper Park Duck Pond can be found here including the latest water test.
