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My SB Parks & Trails Projects

My SB Parks & Trails is a combination of park, trail, and riverfront upgrades as proposed from various community and city planning initiatives. The list comes from the results of The City Plan, The Parks Master Plan, The Coal Line Trail Plan and Riverfront Parks and Trail Plan. These planning initiatives underwent hundreds of hours of community forums, neighborhood meetings, and focus groups.

The projects are in various stages of completion. Community feedback will still need necessary for projects in the following stages: Proposed, Conceptual, and Design & Engineering. A drop-down legend is available at the top right of the map.

Boehm Park | Boland Park | Brownfield ParkCharles Black Community Center | City Cemetery | Coal Line TrailCoquillard Park | Elbel Park Golf Course  | Erskine Park Golf Course | Fredrickson Park | Fremont Park | Gov. Joe Kernan Park | Howard Park/Community Center | Keller Park | Kelly Park | Kennedy Park | LaSalle Park | Leeper Park | Martin Luther King, Jr Community Center | Muessel Grove ParkNiles Ave. Park | O’Brien Community Center | Pier Park | Pinhook Park | Plaza Park | Potawatomi Park | Pulaski Park Randolph Park | Ravina Park | Riverside Manor Park | Rum Village ParkSeitz Park | Southeast Park | Veteran’s Memorial Park | Voorde ParkWalker Field Park |West Bank TrailWheelock Park

In addition to My SB Parks & Trails, we are working on many other projects throughout the year. To see the full list , click here.
