
Happy Birthday, Morris
As the Morris Performing Arts Center embarks on the 100th-year in South Bend as a historic staple to downtown, it’s important to recognize the incredible value the performing arts have in a community. Through the Equity in the Arts Committee leadership, the goal of the next 100 years isn’t simply to sustain, but to thrive […]

Succulent Surroundings
The Potawatomi Conservatories Without knowing any better, one could pass the Potawatomi Conservatories without ever knowing the stunning foliage and lush tropics that thrive just inside. It’s these hidden gems within our city that make it such a unique place to call home. I step inside and immediately my five senses take in the surroundings: a warm, humid like atmosphere and floral aroma embody the entrance. It […]

A Storied Past
South Bend City Cemetery Approach the black iron-clad gates of the South Bend City Cemetery and you’ll step foot inside one of the most historic locations in South Bend. Believer of ghosts or not, an early morning visit can lead to a spooky sensation; a layer of fog rises from the soft ground, while a layer of dew covers many of the headstones. There’s […]

Art Infusion
The importance of providing reprieve through public art “Art in public spaces can be a ray of hope amid a dark day or even just the day to day. It also connects people in a disconnected world, where people who may not normally come together just to say, ‘that’s beautiful!’” – Cassi Graber In an unsuspecting […]

Life Over Violence
Story by Jessica Spoor It’s 8pm on a Friday night, and while most people my age with kids are ready to wind down and head to bed, I venture to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center for the first ever Friday Night Life event. As soon as I walk inside, I can feel the vibrancy and positive impact this initiative will ultimately bring to youth in […]

An Urban Thrill
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be one with the flowing rapids? To be swept up in an abundance of powerful water only to make it victoriously to the other side? Many think to head to the foothills of West Virginia or the well-known rapids in Colorado, but a quick drive to downtown South Bend will […]

Where the Wild Things Are
“WE WANT VISITORS TO ASK QUESTIONS AND LEARN. THE MORE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THE ANIMALS WE HAVE IN THE ZOO, THE MORE THEY WILL CARE ABOUT THEM IN THE WILD TOO.” You don’t have to be a certain age to enjoy the zoo. In fact, the Potawatomi Zoo is one of the most visited destinations […]

A Changing Landscape
Boomer Introduced earlier this year, Boomer has reactivated neighborhood parks throughout South Bend. The impact of this program has seen a multitude of partnerships and neighborhood awareness. Over 2,500 people have attended a Boomer event so far, with more to follow throughout the upcoming months. Neighborhood Parks As part of the My SB Parks & […]

A Second Vision For South Bend’s First Park
The first of its kind in many respects, Howard Park is about to become one of South Bend’s most prized assets. Although this project is quite expansive – altering the entire landscape of the park – it’s not the first time this piece of land was transformed. Once South Bend’s trash dump and breeding ground for diseases like malaria in the summer […]

Closing the Digital Gap
Coding. When most visualize a coder, it’s typically the image of a beanie-wearing hipster sitting in a dark room hacking into a secured network. The movies may fantasize it, but coding is an extremely important skill for our ever-growing digital world. The concept of coding isn’t a new one. The skill – part art and part science – has become a crucial part of American’s everyday lives […]

Introducing the newest South Bend resident!

Facilities and Grounds: Thinking Outside the Box
Picture this: litter on the street, overgrown grass, barren and broken parks. Our Facilities and Grounds team works hard to make sure this never happens. It’s easy to forget about the hard work that goes into making our city beautiful. When everything is running smoothly you don’t think about the alternative. The unsung heroes of […]