Park Improvements

Art Infusion
The importance of providing reprieve through public art “Art in public spaces can be a ray of hope amid a dark day or even just the day to day. It also connects people in a disconnected world, where people who may not normally come together just to say, ‘that’s beautiful!’” – Cassi Graber In an unsuspecting […]

Park People
story by JESSICA SPOOR As many Americans secluded themselves to their homes amid this historic worldwide pandemic, many have continued to set their alarms and head off to work. Celebrated essential workers have been the frontline faces as hospital workers, grocery clerks and daycare teachers; however, the invisible essential worker has risen to the surface. […]

A Changing Landscape
Boomer Introduced earlier this year, Boomer has reactivated neighborhood parks throughout South Bend. The impact of this program has seen a multitude of partnerships and neighborhood awareness. Over 2,500 people have attended a Boomer event so far, with more to follow throughout the upcoming months. Neighborhood Parks As part of the My SB Parks & […]

A Second Vision For South Bend’s First Park
The first of its kind in many respects, Howard Park is about to become one of South Bend’s most prized assets. Although this project is quite expansive – altering the entire landscape of the park – it’s not the first time this piece of land was transformed. Once South Bend’s trash dump and breeding ground for diseases like malaria in the summer […]

Reinventing South Bend’s Historic Spaces
An elaborate wrought-iron gate frames the entrance to City Cemetery at 211 Elm Street, where a newly poured parking lot sits in stark contrast to the property’s nearly 200-year-old threshold. Undergoing a multi-year redevelopment, City Cemetery is just one of South Bend’s many historic public spaces slated for revitalization, thanks to local community advocates and the city’s My South Bend Parks & Trails initiative. “After many years of not getting attention, the […]

Facilities and Grounds: Thinking Outside the Box
Picture this: litter on the street, overgrown grass, barren and broken parks. Our Facilities and Grounds team works hard to make sure this never happens. It’s easy to forget about the hard work that goes into making our city beautiful. When everything is running smoothly you don’t think about the alternative. The unsung heroes of […]

Coming Soon to South Bend – Boomer, a Mobile Experience
EQUITY The City of South Bend is investing approximately $50 Million of capital improvements into our shared public spaces through an initiative called My SB Parks & Trails. This includes hundreds of deferred maintenance items, such as replacing old and unsafe playgrounds, benches, athletic courts, and sidewalks. The improvements are designed to make our parks […]

VPA Welcomes You to 2019
With everything we do, we keep in mind our mission to inspire a more livable South Bend for all, connecting us to emotionally engaging experiences and each other.

Charles Black Recreation Center Renovations
For years, Charles Black Recreation Center has been a pride and joy for the LaSalle Park neighborhood.