All Stories

VPA Welcomes You to 2019
With everything we do, we keep in mind our mission to inspire a more livable South Bend for all, connecting us to emotionally engaging experiences and each other.

Charles Black Recreation Center Renovations
For years, Charles Black Recreation Center has been a pride and joy for the LaSalle Park neighborhood.

Building the Future at Charles Black Recreation Center
If you’ve ever been to the Charles Black Recreation Center for any one of its numerous events or programs, you’ve probably noticed the kind, welcoming faces of its staff.

Spark’s Top 5
Venues Parks & Arts staff members give you five things they’re looking forward to this fall and winter.

A Bark in the Park
A New Dog Park Will Benefit Pets and Owners

Winter Warriors
VPA Behind the Scenes

Sam Centellas: Journey to Health
Sam Centellas: Journey to Health Meet Sam Centellas. You might know him as the Executive Director of La Casa de Amistad, a community center on the Westside of South Bend, you might recognize him as one of the key coordinators of Westside Wednesday, or perhaps you may have seen this early morning gym-goer at O’Brien Fitness […]

Warm Summer Nights & a Movie in the Park
There’s something about the sight of lightning bugs illuminating the fields, the sound of maracas shaking from the cicadas in the trees.

The Top 10 Fun Things to Do in South Bend This Spring and Summer
It’s time to get the kids out of the house and shake off that deep winter hibernation!

My South Bend Parks & Trails
South Bend has always been a city thriving on vision: vision that transformed the bend of a river into a center for trade, that pushed to be a leader in heavy industry, that sought to operate as a 21st century city and that positioned itself as a hotbed for technology and innovation.

Best. Week. Ever.
2017 was full of exciting changes for our community, including the addition of the 1st Annual Best. Week. Ever. celebration. For an entire week, every day and evening, across every portion of the city, something was happening. 50,000+ residents and visitors attended the approximately 100 experiences that took place. Best. Week. Ever. was built upon […]

More Than Just a Game
Spring is a wild season for Byers Softball Complex at Phil St. Clair Park, formerly known as Belleville Softball Complex.